Humans are increasingly discovering how communities can allow them to flourish. Sadly digital technology alone will not solve the issues our society is facing. People are feeling more lonely and helpless because they’ve lost specific skills on how to participate constructively in a community and use public space. This is doing serious harm to their mental health and wellbeing, and people often struggle with the idea that how we’re living now might not be the way we’re living now. Osmos has developed methods and tools to create a space to embrace change.

​​Design of public space.

 Public space, and the kinds of activities that align it, can have a huge impact on how we relate with each other. Osmos helps looking beyond the purely spatial and look for ways that people, communities and organisations engage in public space. 

Community infrastructure.

Libraries, schools, community centres or even an online platform provide space where communities can meet and exchange. Osmos helps define the format, function and space where communities can meet. 

Social psychology.

The way people interact with one another is a topic of much interest to academic scholars and practitioners. Often this knowledge is difficult to apply in concrete projects but very much needed. We focus on the way we can use social psychology to improve our designs and how social psychology can learn from these applications.

Our insights on public spaces & community

Rue Haute

/// Project
Redevelopment of a social 400 unit housing complex in a dense inner-city neighbourhood fit for the 21st century.



/// Project
Engaging stakeholders in the urban study for a new unified administrative centre.

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