
Osmos offers road tested services for problem solving and project management to tackle complex problems. We provide the space and tools to help organisations and communities to unlock their creative potential.

Osmos designs for change. We develop visions, concepts and plans through dialogue, collaboration and co-production.

/// Services include: user research & engagement, systemic and service design, masterplanning and programming and developing business models and financing.

Osmos brings ideas into action. We help roll out ideas and concepts by exploring how to transition from one point to the next.

/// Services include: project development, strategic communication, prototyping and business development.


Osmos engages communities. We help to build trust, coalitions and partnerships through communities – an important foundation for change.

/// Services include: building governance models, project and process mediation, facilitation of events & meetings and participation.


Osmos aim to help others help themselves by sharing our methods, theories and tools.

/// Services include: training programmes, leadership and management mentoring and specific skills development.

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