Osmos helps companies, governments and organisations to learn about theories, methodologies and tools for change.  We aim to provide an inclusive space for empowerment and personal development, mindset change and community engagement.

Training programmes.

We aim to share our knowledge and tools to help deal with complex processes or problems. Building on our services, we offer courses and workshops on how to deal with a vast range of theories, methodologies and specific tools. Training programmes are offered regularly, but contact us for more information.

Specific skills development.

Our multi-disciplinary team has specific expertise. How do you run an interview or focus group? How does one host an event? How can communications be simplified? Osmos offers ad-hoc training sessions. Contact us for more information.

Leadership and management mentoring.

The role of the ‘bridging actor’, referred to as a ‘boundary spanner’ or a ‘systems entrepreneur’, can be overwhelming but is necessary to address complex problems. We offer managers with ad-hoc external support, particularly shadowing them as they navigate a particular project or challenge.  Contact us for more information.

Our insights on sharing knowledge

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We’ll send you a very occasional update of what we’re doing and thinking about.
