We use design as a medium to understand problems and to bring people together around a common cause. We treat design as a means rather than an end, a way of dealing with complex challenges in a dynamic world. We treat the design process as an opportunity for dialogue and alignment of interests between different stakeholders (companies, government, organisations). Design is increasingly moving out of the realm of traditional designers, like architects, urbanists and engineers. Osmos uses design to make solutions more accessible, inclusive and meaningful.

Research and engagement.

We conduct user research particularly influenced through psychological, sociological and anthropological methodologies in order to create multi-disciplinary knowledge. Through user-research we’re able to detect the needs of different stakeholders. We support stakeholder engagement to help build interest around a project or problem and facilitate the implementation of solutions.

Systemic and service design.

We use tools from systemic and service design to guide design processes, supporting stakeholders in finding constructive ways to deal with complexity or problems. These tools specifically provide ways to visualise and structure complex situations, making it easier to find potential solutions.

Masterplanning and programming.

With a concept or vision, we help flesh out the project schematically to understand how it will work in practice, whether it meets the needs discovered through user research, helping to save you time and resources.

Business models & financing strategies.

We help get a grip on costs and returns, whether it be the development of a product, service or the management of a public space.

Our insights on vision

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