
Van Reusel

Hanne is an Osmos Network partner bringing the team expertise on the commons, participative processes and the development of public space.

Hanne considers herself an “architect.e”, advocating for architecture to focus on quality of life and wellbeing. She is a pragmatic activist committed to participative design, the commons and sustainability.


As a researcher, she developed a practice-based PhD in Architecture (KU Leuven and PoliTo). She has spent part of her career within academia as a lecturer and researcher. Her research has covered topics such as the role of living labs in research, ‘commoning’ in policy and action and community governance in reactivating abandoned spaces.


As a practitioner, she approaches urban design within the context of transitions based on the exchange between many interest groups (public, civil and private) to facilitate collective visioning and guide change. She has supported the Brussels Capital Region various transition projects in schools, public housing agencies and in addressing mobility shifts. She has supported towns across Flanders in their shift towards greener, calmer more human town centres. She has supported cities across Europe with activating Nature-Based Solutions in parks and public spaces.

  • Toestand International – ‘Reactivation of an abandoned urban space.’ Socio-Cultural Space Tirana, Albania.
  • Doctor of Architecture – KU Leuven (BE)
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture, History and Project – Politecnico di Torino (IT)
  • TRADERS autumn school – The role of participatory art and design in the reconfiguration of work (BE)
  • MSc Architecture – KU Leuven (BE)
Professional experience
  • Researcher
  • Visiting researcher at University IUAV di Venezia for the S.U.N. City project – Sustainable urban neighborhoods in Padova (IT)
  • Co-founder – Josaph’Aire NGO (BE)
  • Co-founder – Recup’Kitchen asbl (BE)
  • Researcher and project manager ‘Incubators of Public Spaces’ –  KU Leuven (BE)


Language skills

Dutch (native)

English (fluent)

French (fluent spoken, confident writing)

Italian (fluent spoken, intermediate writing)

Hanne's insights



/// Project
Engaging stakeholders in the urban study for a new unified administrative centre.

Everyone else

Adrian Hill

Adrian is a founding partner of the Osmos Network responsible for general operations with expertise in production in cities and ecological systems.


Eric Haas

Eric is a co-founder of the Osmos Network, focused on the organisation’s business development.


Julia Rocha

Julia is an Osmos collaborator with expertise in visual communications and public space.


Laurens Van der Cruyssen

Laurens is an Osmos Network partner bringing the network expertise in psychology, quantitative and qualitative analysis, and human-centred design.


Liana Simmons

Liana is an Osmos expert bringing the network a strong foundation in collaboration and cooperation to empower local and regional organisations and communities.


Marco Kooistra

Marco is a founding partner of the Osmos Network responsible for the organisation’s financial management. He brings the network extensive expertise in finance, fiscal strategy, business management and accounting.


Michael Kaethler

Michael is an Osmos expert bringing the network theoretical and methodological skills to address complex and systemic problems often rooted at an epistemological (knowledge) or ontological (being) level.


Nienke Schachtschabel

Nienke is an Osmos expert based Amsterdam (NL). She brings the network extensive experience in visual communication, design research and in agro-ecology.


Stephan Kampelmann

Stephan is a co-founder and expert of the Osmos Network bringing the network practical experience and theoretical knowledge on local economics, resource management and governance within bio-based production chains.


Toha De Brant

Toha is an Osmos expert bringing the network expertise in anthropology and years of practical experience with community building, advocacy and grass-roots development. As a passionate photographer, she also supports the team with documentation of events.

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